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Vitamin & Mineral Information Open Day : Farm Animal Supplies at Mayobridge Pharmacy 27th - 28th April

Mayobridge Pharmacy to host two Farm Open Days in late April


Mayobridge Pharmacy has announced that it will host two open days for farmer customers on Thursday April 28th and Friday April 29th.

“We stock a range of animal health and related products,” confirmed pharmacist Paul O’Hare.

“Many of these products are of direct interest to farmers at this time of the year. And given these circumstances we felt it appropriate to encourage producers throughout the South Down area to visit our premises and benefit from the special offers that will be available.”

Paul confirmed that representatives from HVS Animal Health and Norbrook Laboratories will be in attendance on both days.

“Mayobridge Pharmacy has stocked a wide range of our products over the past five years,” said David Elwood, from HVS Animal Health.

“We will be profiling the benefits of our HVS Liquid Gold range of mineral and vitamin drenches at the upcoming open days. These are particularly relevant products given the challenges facing farmers with suckler cows with calves at foot plus ewes with lambs at this time of the year.

“Young stock going out to grass over the coming weeks will also benefit greatly if they are drenched with Liquid Gold Cattle now.

He added:

“Young beef cattle and dairy stock have tremendous capacity to grow-on, once they are put out to grass: the challenge is that of making sure that all of this potential is realised.”

David confirmed the results of recent trials carried out with youngstock drenched with HVS Liquid Gold Cattle prior to turn out. They confirm that additional liveweight gains of 9.9 kilos per head can be achieved after just 54 days at grass. He added:

“The difference amounted to an extra 20.4 kilos per head after 104 days. This gain in performance is worth an extra £30 per treated animal. So it is more than significant.”

For trace elements to be available to stock, they must be of high quality and must link up with one or more amino acids or peptides in the rumen, prior to being absorbed through the gut wall into the blood stream. Stock are not ideally equipped to effect this “link up” and a significant proportion of trace elements and vitamins supplied in conventional form, pass straight through the body and are excreted.

Paul O’Hare confirmed a strong demand for the Liquid Gold range.

“HVS Liquid Gold ® range provides the essential micro trace minerals Iron, Copper, Zinc and Manganese all of which, are included at 100% chelated form.

“It also contains nucleotides, which act to increase red blood cell numbers, a key factor in determining animals’ cell development, DNA and improving overall health status.

“The reality is that cattle can only perform to the level of the greatest deficiency or imbalance in their diet. All forage based diets contain mineral imbalances and consequently most stock never exceed 75% of their genetic potential in terms of growth, fertility, development of immunity.

“HVS Liquid Gold Cattle acts to ensure that young stock at grass are not restricted in terms of meeting their full growth potential.”

Moyobridge Pharmacy Tel 028 3085 1000