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Ectofly Pour On -  5L

Ectofly Pour On - 5L

Regular price £85.00 +VAT Sale

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Ectofly Pour on for Sheep is for the treatment and control of headflies. Ectofly Pour on for Sheep is for the treatment of tick infestation with a persistent efficacy of 10 weeks (the majority of ticks killed within 3 hours), and treatment of biting lice in sheep. Ectofly Pour on for Sheep is for the prevention and treatment of blowfly strike on sheep. Will kill maggots on contact - 6-8wks coverLice5 ml per 20 kg bodyweight, up to a maximum of 20 ml. TicksAdult sheep and lambs over 10 kg -; 10 ml per 20 kg bodyweight, up to a maximum of 40 ml. One treatment will give 10 weeks cover. Lambs under 10 kg -; 5 ml followed 3 weeks later by a 10 ml application. Headflies5 ml per animal irrespective of size. Apply to the top of the head between the ears, using the T-bar nozzle. Take care not to apply the product in the sheep's eyes. One application of Ectofly before the start of the headfly season will give up to 4 weeks protection. Re-treat as required. BlowfliesUp to 25 kg* - 20 ml25 to 40 kg - 30mlOver 40 kg - 40 mlTreatment of Blowfly StrikeApply directly to all the affected parts at the rate of 2. 5 ml per 100 to 150 cm2 (roughly the size of a hand). The T-bar nozzle should be used. Most strikes will require 5 to 10 ml. Ensure that all affected parts are treated. A single application is sufficient to ensure that larvae are expelled and killed within a few hours. Withdrawal Periods of Withdrawal Periods of Ectofly Pour onMeat - Animals must not be slaughtered for human consumption during treatment. Sheep may be slaughtered for human consumption only after 8 days from the last treatment. Milk - Not to be administered to animals producing milk for human consumption. Active Ingredients: Cypermethrin alphaLegal Category: POM-VPS